Secretary of State Primary Results in Grafton County

Ballots Cast
Congressional District 2
Executive Council
NH Senate (District tabs at bottom)
NH House
Grafton County Candidates

Full slate of candidates: The votes haven’t been certified by the Secretary of State yet but there are no Grafton races subject to a recount.

Congresswoman – Maggie Goodlander
Governor – Joyce Craig
Executive Council – Emmett Soldati, D1, Karen Liot Hill, D2  

NH Senate Candidates
SD 1 – Rusty Talbot
SD 2 – Carlos Cardona
SD 3 – Bill Marsh
SD 5 – Sue Prentiss
SD 7 – Stuart Green

NH House of Representatives Candidates
HD1- Linda Massimilla
HD1- Vern Masters 
HD1- Tim Egan
HD2 – Jared Sullivan
HD3 – Jerry Stringham
HD4 – Heather Baldwin
HD5 – Rachel Booth, Dustin Vigneault 
HD6 – Jolene Farmer 
HD7 – Janet Lucas 
HD8 – Bill Bolton, Sallie Fellows, Peter Lovett
HD9 – Thomas Oppel
HD10 – Richard Lobban
HD11 – no democratic candidate
HD12 – Russ Muirhead,  Mary Hakken-Phillips, Ellen Rockmore, and Terry Spahr
HD13 – Laurel Stavis
HD14 – George Sykes
HD15 – Thomas Cormen
HD16 – David Fracht 
HD17 – Susan Almy
HD18 – Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban 

County Candidates
County Commissioner District 2 – Martha McLeod 
County Commissioner District 3 – Katie Wood Hedberg
County Attorney – Martha Ann Hornick
County Probate – Chuck Townsend
County Register of Deeds – Kelley Monahan
County Sheriff – Jill Myers 
County Treasurer – Mike Cryans