Grafton Primary Debates in August & September

September 6: Hanover/Lyme Dems, Meet the UV county primary candidates 
August 29:  Kent Street Coalition, conversation with all Democratic candidates for Executive Council, Districts 1-5.
August 28: 
Meet your county candidates who have primaries
August 19:
 Congressional District 2 recording from the Lebanon Dems. 
August 18: Gubernatorial Q & A recording from Kent Street Coalition.
August 14: Tipping Point: Steve Marchand, NH Senate and House Democratic candidates closest to winning and losing in November. 
August 12: Congressional District 2 Q&A livestream recording from the Dartmouth and Hanover/Lyme Dems. 
August 10: Executive Council District 2 recordings from Mascoma Forward: Why should we care about the Executive Council? 

For best Youtube viewing, turn on the Youtube close captioning, CC, to read the transcription on the screen.

Project 2025

And our essential safety net programs

Project 2025 is billed as a policy “wish list” for the next Republican president that would vastly expand presidential powers and impose an ultra-conservative social vision on the US.

Grafton County polling locations and sample ballots for September 10 NH Primary

The NH Secretary of State’s Website has a quick search option for your Sept.10th polling location and sample ballot – specific to your town, city or ward – by following this link:

When you get to the SoS landing page:
1. Select your TOWN, STREET and STREET NUMBER, click ‘I AM NOT A ROBOT’ and click SEARCH.
2. Choose the polling address for September 10. (There may be other election dates on your town list.)
3. Click the link for the sample ballot under the September 10 location and hours.
4. Click DEMOCRATIC on the sample ballot search page, choose your town and click SAMPLE BALLOT. 

Now you can tell your neighbors where to vote on September 10!

Executive Council District 2 Q&A RECORDINGS

Here are all the recordings from the Mascoma Forward forum with Mike Liberty and Karen Liot Hill.

Thanks to Karen Liot Hill’s team for the recordings.

For best viewing, turn on the Youtube close captioning, CC, to read the transcription on the screen.

1. Who is the first candidate you volunteered for?
2. What experiences give you an understanding of your constituents needs?
3. What will you do to promote workers rights?
4. What will you be able to achieve as the sole democrat on the EC?
5. Why should we care about the Executive Council?
6. Closing Arguments

Here is the map of the district.