Saturday, September 23, 2-4 

Celebrate Sharon Nordgren

Plan To Be There!! Register Below!
Hanover/Lyme Dems Event!
Peter and Jean Burling’s beautiful farm in Cornish.

We will be gathering with folks from across the State to celebrate all that Sharon Nordgren has done in her years of service, not only for residents of Hanover and Lyme, who she represents in Concord, but also for children across the state through her work with the Health and Human Services Division in Finance.

Sharon has been instrumental in developing budgets, and fighting for their passage, that provide funds to those most disadvantaged in the state.

There will be a tent, yummy food, tributes, music, and celebration. While the Hanover/Lyme Town Dems are the organizers, funds raised will go the Grafton County Dems for their 2024 election work as we want to turn the House Blue in Sharon’s honor!! All donors will be recognized at the event, and we hope you will join us in Cornish as I anticipate that we will have some surprise guests in attendance.

Please click here to register for this event.

Go to this special page to make a donation: