January 23, 2024: NH Presidential Primary

There is still some confusion over the NH presidential primary. Not the date, that has been settled  January 23, 2024. The confusion lies in why Joe Biden’s name is not on the ballot. 

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) determined that the first-in-the nation primary should be held in a more racially diverse state and used this argument to rearrange the presidential primary calendar, putting South Carolina first. 

The problem is a New Hampshire law states that the NH primary be at least seven days before other similar events. So it comes as no surprise that New Hampshire did not accept the rearranged primary calendar and did not back down.  The January 23 date is the first presidential primary in the nation for 2024. 

President Joe Biden did not file for the NH presidential primary and is not on the ballot. Interestingly enough, according to the Secretary of State Scanlan, there are 21 other Democratic candidates who have filed in the NH Democratic presidential primary,  and 24 Republicans in their primary. But not Joe Biden.1

Anger and apathy over the NH Democratic presidential primary will only help build momentum for the MAGA Republican movement. Concerned for what this means for our democracy in the November 2024 election, a grassroots group of NH citizens and community leaders is spearheading a campaign to write Joe Biden’s name on the presidential primary ballot. They are choosing to put democracy over party politics.  

You can sign up here to join the movement, get updates and help volunteer. 

Have questions? Check out the website FAQs! Write in Biden Campaign FAQs
For informational purposes only. This is not an endorsement.

KSC – Untipping the Scales


This is well worth the watch!
Over the last 40 years, we have seen the Federalist Society and other extreme conservative interests steadily and stealthily work to move the courts ever farther rightward. We have seen these efforts result in the upending of long-established precedents, the stripping away of cherished rights and a judiciary that is out of step with mainstream American values.
Listen to this excellent Kent Street Coalition program that aired last week, on the Judiciary, and learn what we can do about it.

LGBTQ+ Art in Littleton: NHPR

Read/listen here:

Wonderful murals, put up by North Country Pride, were meant to beautify blighted spaces and promote inclusivity. But in the last few months, they have been at the center of a larger discussion about Littleton’s identity — about what kind of art, and what kind of people, are welcome here.
Thank you North Country Pride, for encouraging sustained civic engagement. 

“There are no hungry children in NH in the schools.”

Watch the recording!

In a debate in the NH House Finance Committee, over whether to directly certify Medicaid recipients in school meal programs that would provide ALL children access to nutrition, the House Finance Chair Ken Weyler (R-Kingston) suggested, “Childhood hunger is a distraction in this bill. There are no hungry children in New Hampshire, in the schools.” 

FACT: thousands of NH kids go hungry daily (US Census Bureau).

State Committee Meeting & Annual Holiday Party.

December 9, all day. Registration below.

Following the meeting there will be a potluck lunch for everyone.  RSVP here to confirm your attendance. If you wish to bring a dish please use the form above to let us know what you are bringing to make sure that we don’t have anything missing or too much of one dish!

Training on the process of becoming a Delegate: 1 p.m.
Following lunch, there will be a training on the process of becoming a Delegate to the National Convention in Chicago in August 2024 starting at 1p.m. This training will be open to all registered democrats. If you would like to attend, please use this link to sign up. More trainings will be offered across the state, please let us know if you are interested in hosting one in your community.