NHDP Convention Recap

Thanks to those who attended the covention last Saturday. I think we can all agree it was one of the best conventions yet. Thanks to Joyce Weston and Deb Nelson for setting up the Grafton County Dems booth, it looked terrific. 

If you were able to make the afternoon workshops, please take the time to fill out the workshop survey.Your feedback will help the team know what worked and didn’t work, so we can continue to learn and improve together as Democratic activists. 

Afternoon Session Survey: bit.ly/459JeD1And if you didn’t make the afternoon workshops, here is the folder with materials from the afternoon sessions – including the presentation slides: https://bit.ly/NHDPSessionMaterials

A big thank you to Caitlin Rollo, Shana Potvin, Lisa DeMio, Alissandra Murray,  the NHDP Convention Training Committee.

Talk to your neighbors!

October 17, 7 pm

If you haven’t taken advantage of our flexible CONVERSATION CANVASSING training schedule, now is the time!

Fall is here, summer heat (and rain?) are behind us. Grab a partner, watch our video series on your own time, sign up for our one-hour Zoom workshop, then hit the doors.
You can ‘leaf peep’ while you canvass!
Join our CCNH team here:

The next CCNH workshops are below.
Registration closes the day before the workshop.
Tuesday, October 17@ 7pm
Monday,November 6@ 7pm
Tuesday, November 14@7 pm

Birthday Party, Celebration, Seeing Old Friends, & Fundraising for Grafton County Democrats

Deb Nelson, Chair, Hanover/Lyme Dems
If you were not able to join us on September 23, you missed a wonderful gathering. It was actually hard to get folks into the tent with all the food as there was such delight in conversation, and clusters of people chatting all along the driveway. 

A veritable who’s-who of NH Democrats were present with Senator Hassan and Congressman Pappas joining in with both candidates for Governor: Cinde Warmington and Joyce Craig. We had former State Senators Martha Fuller Clark and Deb Reynolds who each drove well over an hour to be present. Deb even arrived early and helped with food preparation. House Democratic Caucus Leader Matt Wilhelm and Deputy Leader Alexis Simpson were there as were many House Representatives.

We are still tallying checks received as well as donations made to ActBlue, so if you would still like to make a contribution please feel welcome to do so. You can go to this special page on our ActBlue site to make a donation: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/80th-birthday#  or if you would prefer to write a check, make it out to the Hanover Town Democrats and send it to Treb Allen – Treasurer, 8 Hovey Lane, Hanover 03755. 

Thank you Deb, thank you Hanover/Lyme Dems and thanks to all the guests who made it a success!!!

Steve Marchand, Grafton Senate District 1

Click here for the recording
Click here for the slides

The Grafton and Coös County Democratic Committees and Northern Grafton Democrats  sponsored a strategy session on unseating extreme Republican state Senator Carrie Gendreau last month. The hybrid session on zoom and at the Littleton Senior Center featured Steve Marchand, founder of the progressive advocacy group Move the Goalposts providing analysis of the 2022 campaign and its implications for 2024. The three dozen people who attended either in person or online heard how winnable this seat can be for Democrats next year, especially with Gendreau’s recent homophobic remarks regarding public art in Littleton.

Coös Democratic Chair Henry Noel noted there will be two special House elections with the resignations of Troy Merner, a Republican now under investigation for falsely continuing to sit in District 1 for months after he moved out of the district, and William Hatch, a Democrat from Gorham who resigned for health reasons. These represent a real organizing opportunity for Democrats to claim a House majority as well as preparing for the Senate elections in 2024.

Grafton County Dems Caucus

Benton, Bristol and Haverhill have new town committees!!!
Congratulations to our three new town committees!

Bristol has 4 new town committee members:

  • Nancy Dowey, chair, nancydowey@gmail.com
  • Karen Bemis, vice chair,
  • Buz (Daniel) Kenney, secretary, 
  • Paul Bemis, treasurer.

Please reach out to them if you live in their towns,  congratulate them and let them know you can help!

A big thank you to Taylor Blossom for running the caucus and an even bigger thank you to all the new town committee members. 

Registration Open for Senate District 1 Program

Steve Marchand, Grafton Senate District 1, Wednesday, September 20,
Littleton Senior Center@5.30 pm, zoom @6pm

(in-person registration)
(Zoom registration)

The Grafton and Coös County Democratic Committees, together with the Northern Grafton County Dems, are jointly sponsoring a hybrid meeting on September 20 to focus on the Senate District 1 seat. 

Our guest speaker will be Steve Marchand of Move the Goalposts, who will analyze the 2022 results of Grafton Senate District 1 and what they mean for Democratic prospects to flip that seat to Blue next year. This is similar to the kind of analysis he did earlier this summer for the NH House districts in Grafton County.

The program will run from 6 to 7:30 p.m. and you can attend in person at the Littleton Senior Center or via Zoom.  Registration details for in-person and zoom coming next week.

It’s a party and a fundraiser!

Saturday, September 23 @2 pm

Thank you Hanover/Lyme Dems!

We will be celebrating Rep. Sharon Nordgren’s 35 years of service and her 80th birthday on September 23, and raising funds for our Grafton County Dem candidates, many of whom have been mentored by Sharon over the years.

Please click here to register for this event. This will help us plan!
Please click here to make a donation. Funds raised will go the Grafton County Dems 2024 candidates!   


Newest NH House Member Sworn In

This is what the results of solid teamwork look like! Our newest member of the House, Representative David Fracht, was sworn in last week. Congratulations David! A big thank you to everyone in the county who supported David with funds, phone calls, texting, canvassing, holding signs on election day, general guidance and positive energy! In attendance: Executive Councilor Cinde Warmington, Representative Laura Telerski–Nashua, Governor Chris Sununu, Representative David Fracht–Enfield, Minority Leader Matt Wilhelm. Thanks to Aaron Fracht-Monroe for the images

Grafton County Dems Caucus

Alexandria, Benton, Bristol and Haverhill Caucus
Monday, September 18, 6 pm

Democrats from four towns in Grafton county will be coming together to host a virtual caucus to elect new officers for each of their towns through the 2024 elections.

The Caucus will be held: Monday, September 18th at 6:00 pm via Zoom.

All registered Democrats in these four towns are eligible to vote in the caucus to elect a Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and One Delegate-at-large.

Register here to attend the caucus. If you are not a member of one of the towns, you can attend but not vote.  

NHDP Mid Term Convention

Saturday September 30, 8 am -4 pm

NHDP announced its midterm convention in Bedford on Saturday, September 30 from 8 am to 4 PM. Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro will be the Keynote speaker and we will hear from many New Hampshire elected officials and candidates.  After lunch there will be four training sessions. Counties will be grouped together so you can sit with all those county friends you’ve seen on zoom for three years, and get to know them. The workshop trainers will move from group to group and will address four main components of election strategy. 

Tickets are now on sale on a first come first serve basis, $20 on line for delegates. Click the link below to see if you are a delegate. 

It would be great to see all of you after three years of zoom in one room! Hope you can join the convention and participate in the afternoon sessions.

For full details and to register, click here: