Dust off your canvassing skills!

Tuesday, June 25, 7 pm

Canvassing is in full swing throughout the county and this is an excellent time to dust off your conversation canvassing skills.  

Learn how to ease into the conversation; ask your neighbors if they are registered to vote, and if not, tell them to go to the town clerk to register. Ask what they care about and then listen. Then close with the three questions ONH has prepared. 

Our virtual, hyper-flexible conversation-training program for busy activists combines instructional videos (around one and a half hours) and a one-hour interactive workshop. The training videos can be viewed at your own pace or you can host a house party and watch the training videos together. Everyone zooms in for the workshop.

Visit the website,  https://www.conversationcanvassing24.org/, watch the videos and sign up for our Tuesday, June 25, 7 pm workshop.