All posts by graftoncodems

Restore our Energy Efficiency funding!

A broad coalition formally requested on Friday that the Public Utilities Commission reconsider its recent decision to cut funding for state energy efficiency programs over the next two years and that the decision — which they said would cause irreparable harm — be suspended in the meantime.

All of the state’s electric and gas utilities, as well as clean energy and environmental advocates and the state’s largest community action agency, made the request together in a joint filing.

Make a Difference in Your Town

The North Country/Lakes Region conference this weekend was a wonderful kickoff to 2022. It helped us focus on us. Now we need to take the next step. Please consider signing up for one of the programs this Thursday. Unfortunately they are on the same evening.  Read on!

Sununu’s Falsehoods

On NH Today with Chris Ryan, Governor Chris Sununu made multiple false claims about the specifics of his mandatory ultrasound requirement and how restrictive his abortion ban is compared to laws in the rest of the country. The truth is that Sununu’s abortion ban mandates ultrasounds for anyone seeking an abortion at any point during pregnancy, and his abortion ban — which includes no exceptions for rape, incest, or fatal fetal anomaly and felony penalties for doctors — is among the most restrictive abortion bans in the country.

Get Vaccinated!

“This afternoon, the Governor himself admitted that his administration’s own vaccine registry had not been ‘allowed’ to be set up due to the month’s long denial of COVID funding by radical Republicans on the Executive Council and Fiscal Committees. Gov. Sununu is clearly not doing enough to protect Granite Staters, and our entire healthcare system is paying the price”. House Democratic Leader Rep. Renny Cushing

The work starts NOW with trainings!

The Democratic National Committee is rolling out a series of trainings for activists in the party to prepare for what is shaping up to be a difficult and consequential election year ahead. We know the kind of country the Republicans want, we have seen it in a microcosm in New Hampshire. A government which goes out of its way to make the high hats of society more comfortable while ignoring the needs of the common every day person.

We have a duty as Democrats, especially given the monumental shoulders we stand on, to beat the Republicans in November. Please consider attending one of the trainings laid out in this email, attend the North County and Lakes Region Convention, and as you’re enjoying your holiday season, consider a note of thanks for the great Democrats of the past who have advanced the cause of Democracy and Equality that we enjoy in our times.

Link to the rest of the newsletter.

Get Outraged! Then get to work!

Welcome to DISTOPIA, a New Hampshire where everything is upside down, where radical groups encouraged by Republican law makers offer bounties on public school teachers who dare teach whatever the Republican inconsistent and ever changing fever dream of what they think “Critical Race Theory” is this week, ignore the stress that the pandemic has put on working people of New Hampshire and give up all efforts to end it so we can move on; or go back to the 1950s where you can waste energy to a faretheewell with no sense of efficiency or maybe have a hand in saving the planet.

Get outraged and then get to work!

Last week the Special Committee on Redistricting held two hearings on their proposed redistricted maps for all the districts, ignoring testimonies, requests and pleas of district voters, and created the worst congressional district they possibly could, one that puts Nashua and Portsmouth in the same district and makes you drive to Mount Washington to get from one to the other.

On Friday, the Public Utilities Commission denied what would have been the state’s most ambitious triennial energy efficiency plan to date.

If this is not enough, tomorrow, Tuesday, November 16 at 10 a.m., the Education Committee is hearing nongermane amendment 2021-2239h to HB 255, which prohibits Covid vaccine mandates.

We cannot stress how important it is to beat the Republicans in 2022, not just so we can put an end to their disintegration of the State of New Hampshire, but also for us to Build Back Better.

Ann and Josh

Link to the rest of the newsletter!